Parent/Student Handbook
Acadiana Reading Center
519 Parkway Drive
Breaux Bridge, La 70517
Our objective at Acadiana Reading Center is to ensure each student receives an educational experience tailored to their specific needs. To succeed in our goals, together we must ensure our school is a safe and orderly space for children to explore the depths of their intelligence and grow into independent individuals. All parents and children must thoroughly read and discuss the expectations, rules, and consequences outlined below. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding this handbook. Please sign the attached signature page after gaining a thorough understanding of the contents in this handbook and turn it in by the first day of school.
The regulations and other provisions outlined in this handbook are considered a contractual agreement between Acadiana Reading Center and each student enrolled in the school. In developing the rules and policies for ARC, the administration has tried to anticipate as many issues as possible. As new and unusual situations may arise, the principal has the authority to use his/her discretion to amend the policy.
The ARC principal reserves the right to amend this handbook for a cause that, in her judgment, is just. If changes are made, all parents will be sent prompt notification.
Standard of Conduct
Students are expected to act in an orderly and respectful manner, maintaining standards of social courtesy, moral behavior, acceptable language, and honesty. Students must agree to strive toward unquestionable character in dress, conduct, and attitude. Students are expected to refrain from talking about or engaging in cheating, swearing, smoking, gambling, sexual promiscuity, drinking alcoholic beverages, and using drugs or narcotics in any form. Students who participate in and discuss such activities on school grounds are subject to detention, suspension, or complete dismissal.
Registration and Tuition
Registration fees are established by the school administration and must be paid in order for the enrollment process to be completed. Supplies and fees must also be presented during the child(rens) first day. All registration, technology, and supply fees are non-refundable.
Tuition costs are established by school administration. Withdrawal prior to the end of the school year will result in a penalty. There are two options for tuition payments: a single lump sum or monthly installments.
The monthly installment(s) are due on the 1st of every month and any payments turned in after the 7th will acquire a $25.00 late fee. A NSF fee of $35.00 will be charged on all checks/drafts returned to the school for insufficient funds.
In the event of natural disaster, disease outbreak or any other circumstances which, in the judgment of the school administration, make it infeasible, unsafe or otherwise imprudent to continue campus-based education, school shall resume as soon as practical via distance learning and/or other methods adopted and/or developed by the school administration and faculty. Due to continuing financial obligations relating to operational costs, including administrative, faculty and staff salaries, there shall be no suspensions, reduction or refund of tuition or applicable fees.
Delinquent Accounts
Parent(s)/Payer(s) who experience an unexpected major financial setback are urged to contact the school office to discuss this matter before any accounts become delinquent. The school will make every effort to work with the Parent(s)/Payer(s) experiencing unforeseen financial hardships as soon as "Good Faith" has been established. However, administration reserves the right to take whatever action it deems necessary to keep all accounts current. Payer/Parent does not act in “good faith” to resolve the delinquent account, the student will not be allowed to return until the account is resolved. If the Parent/Payer does not contact the school after having a delinquent account and tuition and/or fees are thirty (30) days delinquent, school administration will send correspondence indicating possible consequences. Delinquent accounts that are forty-five (45) days delinquent will be contacted by school administration again and will be turned over to a collection agency. If an outstanding balance exists at the end of the academic year, the student(s) will not be allowed to re-enter or to register for a new school year. By bringing all accounts current the student will be considered for readmission to ARC.
In the event of a withdrawal, all records will be held until all outstanding fees and/or charges are paid in full. Students who transfer to another school during the academic term are to notify the school. Any contract terminated before the end of the year will result in a penalty.
Admissions staff will circulate a withdrawal notice and ensure:
All school materials have been returned
All library books have been returned and/or accounts are up-to-date
All outstanding tuition and/or fees are paid in full.
Once verification has been obtained, cumulative records of students will be released – all accounts must be cleared.
Student Records
Students requesting records, transcripts, and/or recommendations must make a request to the school office. All forms should be submitted to the ARC front office for distribution. Completed forms will be sent via the U.S. Mail. Special handling will require that all postal fees be paid by the parents.
Parents/Guardians are requested to notify the School Office in writing of any change of address, home telephone numbers, cell phone numbers, business phone numbers, e-mail addresses and/or phone numbers of emergency contacts. This will guarantee that office records are accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Note: if tuition and fees are not paid, records will be withheld.
School/Office Hours
The office is open from 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on weekdays during the school year except during the school holidays. The school office will be closed starting May 30th and reopen on August 1st. If a parent is in need of a sit down meeting with anyone in administration please reach out to set an appointment. These appointments will be between the times of 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday or on Fridays if needed. No meetings will be conducted unless an appointment is set.
After Hours Calls/Messages
Any calls, emails, text messages or remind messages received after 2:00 p.m. may not be answered until the next business day. Please be respectful of our staff and their time.
Morning drop-off begins at 7:20 a.m. Students may be dropped off under the covered area in front of the school.
Students are to begin preparing for class at 8:30 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance will be held in the auditorium at 8:25 a.m. every morning. Students are expected to walk in an orderly fashion to their respective classes after being dismissed.
Students are expected to be inside their classrooms, seated at their assigned seat, and have all materials prepared by 8:30 a.m. Please ensure students are on time and prepared with their materials. Excessive tardiness or missed days can result in failure or summer school.
Students of ARC are dismissed from school at 2:00 p.m. Students leaving at 2:00 are expected to walk to the lobby immediately after dismissal. Students will exit under carport in front of the school. If a student is not able to be retrieved from school by 2:00 and they are not in the after-care program, they will be escorted to after-care at 2:15 p.m. If not picked up by 2:15, a $10 fee will be charged to the parent / guardian.
Students are expected to attend school everyday as an effort to maintain grades and all instruction time to be allotted. Any students that have excessive absences are at risk of not obtaining all educational time and as a result, academic average could suffer, and students may have to attend summer school or repeat the grade.
Course work missed must be made up in a timely manner Any course work not made up within 3 days will result in a zero for the assignment.
Any absences for medical or death must have documentation turned into the office within 3 days.
Absences for trips or other reasons must be communicated to the school so that teachers are informed and can have materials needed put aside for the child.
All students are expected to be present by 8:00 a.m.
Three tardies constitute a half- day absent. Six tardies constitute a day absent.
Any work missed due to excessive tardiness may not be made up for credit.
Student Check Out
Students are allowed to check out during the day by any person listed on their pickup form. If you are needing to add someone to their list it must be completed by email.
It is the responsibility of the student to complete any school work that is to be turned in the next day.
Parents are advised to call the school before arrival to minimize campus disruptions.
Emergency Information
Parents must provide school officials with information listing the parent’s home and business addresses and telephone numbers or additional information to be used if a parent cannot be reached at either of these places. In addition, the names and telephone numbers of one or two persons who have agreed to assume responsibility when the parents cannot be reached must also be provided. This information must be kept up to date. This information is kept on file in the school office and must always be current.
Home Communication
Once on campus, children will not be allowed to use the phone or email home for any reason. All necessary communication between child and home must go through the school. In order to avoid numerous interruptions of classes, students will be called to the telephone for reasons of extreme emergency only. Children will not be allowed to use the phone for any forgotten work or permission slips. After school arrangements cannot be made by the student. Parents must contact the school to change any arrangements.
In case of separation or divorce, a child is released to either parent unless court orders provide specific custody arrangements. The school will comply with any court order regarding a child once the court records are filed in the administrative office.
Medical Policy
The importance of daily school attendance is stressed; however, no child should report to school if his/her temperature is elevated, if he/she has an unexplained rash, or if he/she exhibits any obvious sign of illness.
A student must be fever free for 24 hours before sending them to school after an illness. A fever is defined as a temperature over 100.4°
Students are not permitted to have medication in their possession while on school campus. Medication must be brought to the office by the parent. Discipline measures will be taken for any student possessing any form of medication on campus.
Any student requiring prescription medication during school hours must comply with the following procedure:
A Medication Form giving permission to distribute to said child needs to be completed & signed then turned into the front office.
Medication must be brought to the office by the parent; and
Medication must be in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or the physician
Any student requiring over-the-counter medication (Ex: Tylenol, aspirin, cough syrup, cough drops, etc.) during school hours must comply with the following procedure:
A medication from the parent for school personnel to administer the medication;
Medication must be brought to the office by the parent; and
All over-the-counter medication must be in its original packaging and labeled with the student's name, time
intervals at which medication is to be taken and duration of treatment.
Student Progress
Teachers and parents share the responsibility for regular communication concerning a child's performance in the classroom. Class work and test papers are sent home for parent review and signature. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher for clarification or to discuss areas of concern. Teachers are expected to maintain close contact with parents when a student is not working up to expectations. If a breakdown in communication occurs, administration should be contacted.
Student of the Month
Students are selected each month based on the following Student of the Month characteristics:
● Student exemplifies the spirit of ARC.
● Academic effort
● Appropriate conduct
● Academic achievement
● Respect for others
● Integrity
● Evidence of service (willingness to help)
● Exhibits leadership
● Goes above and beyond the norm
Photo Release Forms
ARC may publish your child’s photograph in various school-related publications. Parents do have the option of opting out of the use of their student’s picture. Please complete this segment at the bottom of this packet.
Emergency Closure of School
In the event of inclement weather conditions, ARC will make independent decisions on school closures. Parents will be notified via Remind, google classroom, or by phone.
School Evacuation
In the event any or all school buildings are deemed unsafe due to fire, weather conditions, bomb or similar threat, all persons shall be evacuated in an orderly manner. Students must remain with the teacher to which they have been assigned at all times. The principal shall coordinate the evacuation of the school and act as liaison to any police, fire, or other emergency response team on school grounds.
In the event the school is deemed unsafe following an evacuation, ARC grounds shall serve as emergency shelter for all students until transportation home is arranged. Members of the faculty will remain on duty until all students have been picked up by an authorized adult.
Disaster Drills
To ensure the orderly and safe evacuation of school buildings in emergency situations, regular disaster drills are necessary. Emergency evacuation routes are posted near the doors in all the rooms. All disaster drills are to be treated seriously; no inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
In the case of fire drills, after the emergency signal is sounded, students are immediately to leave all buildings without running, shoving, or talking. The teacher is to be the last one out of the room and is to close the door after all have left the room. Students are to remain silent in the holding areas while awaiting further instructions.
In the case of tornado drills or hostile intruders, students are to move in silence to designated areas away from doors and windows.
Dress Code
Students are expected to dress appropriately. We do not have a school uniform, but students must remain aware of the clothes they wear to school.
GIRLS: No political or vulgar attire. No crop tops. Shorts must be an appropriate length. Leggings are permitted; however, nude leggings are not acceptable. Leggings must be black, grey, or any color of the rainbow.
BOYS: No political or vulgar attire. Shorts must be an appropriate length. If hats become a distraction, hats will be taken off the list of acceptable clothing.
If a student arrives dressed inappropriately, a parent must either remove their student from school or provide an appropriate change of clothes. If a student continues to dress inappropriately this will be grounds for suspension, or dismissal.
Weapons/Drug Policy
No weapons or potentially violent objects are allowed on the property. This includes guns, airsoft guns, hunting rifles, knives, etc. Any object brought onto ARC property deemed dangerous by staff will be immediately removed from the students’ possession.
No drugs or tobacco allowed on ARC property. If a student brings drugs, tobacco, or weapons on campus this will be grounds for dismissal.
The responsibility for completing homework is placed on the student. Goals are set by the students and reviewed with their teachers. These goals are usually no more than the student is capable of completing during the school day. Should the student not meet the set goals for that day, the work will need to be completed at home. A homework slip will be sent home and is to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned the following day along with the completed homework. If the assigned homework is not completed, recess detention will be issued.
Lunch Policy
Grades K-12 will be released from their classes for lunch at set times between 10:45 and 12:00. Students are to eat only in the cafeteria unless instructed otherwise. Students are to go to designated recreation areas only when dismissed by the lunch supervisor or Principal. Students must remain with their lunch supervisor at all times and must not leave their designated area until instructed to do so.
Phone Policy
If a student has a phone, or any other smart technology not needed for class will be handed over to staff at the front door. Parents must authorize whether students are in possession of a phone or any other smart technology before their students enter the school. If the student is found with a smart device in their possession the device will be required to stay at school for one day.
Marked on, defaced, or broken property (student, faculty, and/or school property) will be replaced at the offending student’s expense, per discretion of the parents or guardians.
Search and Seizure
ARC reserves the right to search any and all property brought on to the school campus. We also reserve to the right to seize any prohibited items on our campus.
In accordance with the stated philosophy of the school, which emphasizes deep respect for the human dignity and uniqueness of every individual, each student will be considerate of the rights of others in all interactions. All students are expected to cooperate with the policies of the school which are designed to foster mature development and personal responsibility. This requires courtesy in all personal relationships, promptness in fulfilling obligations, concern for the environment, and many other factors which the students’ sense of appropriateness will indicate to them.
Our goal in the area of discipline is to establish a unified effort by parents, students, teachers, and administrators in order to institute a discipline program, which will support the efforts of teachers to teach and students to learn. We are always keeping in mind the self-esteem of the student, but allowing for logical consequences for inappropriate behavior.
The school administration reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of an action if any doubt arises.
A uniform and consistent discipline program is in existence throughout the school. All teachers are required to follow the plan that is in place. The school administration supports the philosophy of the program and expects all staff members to adhere to the principles of the program. Teachers and faculty members earn the respect of students by modeling the kind of respectful behavior expected. Students should not be belittled or scolded, especially in the presence of their peers. Sarcasm and embarrassment have no place in classrooms or own school grounds.
Students who need behavior adjustments should be addressed privately whenever possible. Classroom rules, consequences, and rewards are to be posted in each classroom.
The regulations listed herein are not intended to place undue restrictions on the student, but rather to encourage all students to be self-disciplined and considerate of others and to conduct themselves in such a manner that supports the rights of teachers to teach and students to learn. The student who disturbs others during the educational process is denying them a basic right. Classroom rules have been established by teachers and students for all classrooms. Consequences for inappropriate behavior are posted in classrooms and assigned as necessary. If the classroom consequences do not deter the inappropriate behavior, a discipline referral is submitted.
All rules apply on field trips and transporting students to different areas.
The privacy of faculty and staff members may not be violated in any way at any time by any student, parent, or associate of ARC.
The administration will do its best to investigate a situation until it has a good understanding of the circumstances. This includes interviewing witnesses to events.
ARC takes pride in the family-like setting our school has established and maintained over the years. Due to having a small group of students, conflict between students tends to affect more than the parties directly involved and issues need to be resolved as soon as possible. All our students suffer when bullying happens inside and outside the classroom. As a school dedicated to teaching moral values and ensuring our students know compassion and empathy, we believe all forms of bullying are serious and will require immediate action from all parties involved. Early intervention of conflict is key to ensuring our students feel safe and secure at ARC. All forms of bullying are grounds for detention, suspension, or dismissal.
Bullying Outside of School Hours
ARC reserves the right to give consequences to students who participate in bullying with other students outside of school hours. ARC does not tolerate bullying through text, phone call, social media, or any bullying between students outside of school hours etc. Outside of school hours bullying can result in detention, suspension or dismissal based on severity.
Verbal Bullying
ARC does not tolerate any forms of verbal bullying including threats, racial slurs, discriminatory language, name-calling, etc. Verbal bullying can result in detention, suspension or dismissal based on severity.
Physical Bullying
ARC holds a zero-tolerance policy for physical bullying / physical violence. Physical violence will result in an IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION. Parents will be required to retrieve their child from school IMMEDIATELY. A meeting will be held to discuss further consequences and solutions to the problem.
Behavior and Consequences
To guide students in their understanding of what constitutes negative behavior, behavioral infractions have been divided into categories according to their degree of seriousness. No student will be referred to Administration for minor infractions until the last stage of the teacher’s discipline.
Minor infractions which result in a Recess detention include, but are not limited to:
Violations of the dress code
Failure to bring assigned books and/or materials to class
Failure to bring in signed papers or notes of concern back to school
Eating and/or taking items outside of the cafeteria without proper permission
Entering any building or classroom without permission or at unassigned time before, during, or after school
Failure to return Progress Reports or Report Cards on or by a given date
Writing or marking on body parts
Misbehavior that prevents said students learning
Major Infractions: Any student choosing to commit a major infraction must be referred to school administration. Major infractions which result in full lunch/recess detention include, but are not limited to:
Misbehavior that prevents other students learning
Misconduct at a Field Trip
Obscene Language, Gestures, Writings, or Drawings
Forging Parents Signature on Papers
Marking on Desks, Walls, Doors, Student Property, etc.
Leaving Classroom without Permission
Failure to Follow a Teacher’s Directive
Retaliation against one that reports Bullying
Defacing someone's personal property or clothing (This includes cutting, writing, tearing, etc.)
Violations of Acceptable use of the Internet
Misconduct (pushing, shoving, continuous talking after quiet is requested, teasing, name calling, writing or passing notes, etc.)
during Assembly, in Walkways, Cafeteria, on the Playground, or anywhere on the school grounds before, during, or after school.
Severe Infractions: Students choosing the following behaviors will be referred to school administration. Severe infractions which result in a suspension or expulsion include, but are not limited to:
Physical Altercation or Fighting
Repeated bullying or any severe act of Bullying
Physical Striking of a staff member or fellow student
Vandalism (major damage to property)
Skipping a detention or assigned school consequence
Use or possession of tobacco or vapes on campus
Intentionally pulling a fire alarm, perpetuating a bomb scare, threatening to do so
Threatening to harm the school any anyway (bomb threat, gun violence, fire)
ANY physical or verbal acts of disrespect towards a teacher, staff member, or fellow student
Stealing, Receiving a stolen item or inappropriate possession of any stolen goods or property
Grounds for Dismissal
Expulsion is an extremely serious matter. Students who pose a threat to themselves or to others may be expelled from ARC. Students who have been expelled will not be allowed to return to the school without prior permission from School Administration.
The following behaviors can result in being dismissed from school or placement on out-of-school suspension while a decision is reached by school administration on the student’s status. These behaviors include, but are not limited to:
Immoral Conduct
Receiving a suspension after being placed on disciplinary probation
Making threats of violence against fellow students, faculty, or staff members (authorities will also be contacted.
Carrying, using, or threatening to use weapons or instruments to do bodily harm (this includes the possession of BB guns) , authorities will be contacted.
Off-Campus Conduct
The administration of ARC reserves the right to discipline its students for off-campus behavior that is not in line with behavior expectations of its students during the course of the school day.
School administration may place students on behavioral probation depending on the severity of a student’s behavior and/or consistent infractions by a student. At that point, the student is being placed on notice and his/her continued enrollment is predicated upon their conformity to the disciplinary policy.
Bullying and Harassment Policy
The administration and faculty of ARC are very serious about stopping bullying on our campus. Bullying will not be tolerated and will be dealt with like all other disciplinary actions.
Bullying is defined as repeatedly hurting a less powerful individual or group with harmful words and actions. Examples of bullying include:
Hitting, Kicking, or Tripping;
Insulting or teasing someone about their race, gender, appearance, or size;
Stealing personal items;
Purposefully excluding a person or group; and/or
Cyber-bullying through the use of social media, texting, technology applications and the like.
Bullying is often hard to identify. Victims do not want to cause more trouble, nor do they want to admit that they are bullied, and the bully hides their actions or defends it as play or normal “joking”. We will no longer accept that response as long as we see that the other party does not view it as play.
Harassment of any type is not tolerated. School administration investigates all complaints of harassment. Students involved in harassing behavior face detention, suspension, and/or expulsion. Engagement in any social media, blogging, texting, technology applications and the like may result in disciplinary actions if the content of the student’s blog includes defamatory comments regarding the school, the faculty, or other students.
Procedures to reduce bullying:
Teachers, administrators, and support staff will address any act of bullying immediately
Classroom teachers will define bullying for their students and will have in place a set of rules and procedures to deal with any event that occurs
When an ARC School staff member sees or deals with a bully-victim situation, the parents will be notified. The teacher will also report the incident to the Administration
Students will be asked to discourage bullying among their peers and they will be taught why standing up for someone is important
Parents and students are strongly encouraged to report bullying that may have been otherwise overlooked. This is not just for the victim, but for any witness to bullying
6. Disciplinary action will first take place by the classroom and/or Administration. Like other disciplinary matters, teachers
will have a structured discipline plan for dealing with the bully (this includes verbal warnings, discussion of how the act was considered bullying, call to parents, detention, suspension, etc.)
Parent Cooperation Statement
An integral part of the education is the conviction that the school assists the parents/guardians in carrying out their primary responsibility of their children. An ongoing positive working relationship between the parents/guardians and the school is critical to the success of the school and the students. As part of that working relationship, parents/guardians are expected to be involved as much as possible in the educational process, to refrain from conduct which thwarts the orderly administration and operation of the school, to support and participate in school activities, and to provide instruction to and set positive examples for their children both at home and in the community. While ARC encourages the constructive exchange of ideas, feedback and suggestions intended to foster the continued growth and improvement of the school, ARC is ultimately responsible for the orderly administration and operation of the school, including the policies and procedures implemented to achieve the school’s goals. ARC reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any student(s) in the event that it is determined by the school’s administration that:
1. a positive working relationship between the school and the parents/guardians no longer exists and/or is irreparably damaged or
2. the parents/guardians have failed to provide the support, assistance and example necessary for the education to which each child is entitled.
Furthermore, failure on the part of any student and/or parent/guardian to abide by the rules, regulations and policies as outlined in the school handbook may result in termination of the student’s enrollment from the school.
Parental cooperation is essential for the welfare of students. If, in the opinion of the administration, parent behavior seriously interferes with the teaching/learning process, the school may require parents to withdraw their children and sever the relationship with the school.
Holiday Dates
First Day: August 14, 2024
Labor Day: September 2, 2024
Fall Break: November 4- November 5, 2024
Thanksgiving Break: November 25,2024- November 29, 2024
Christmas Break: December 20,2024- January 5, 2025
Martin Luther King: January 20, 2025
Mardi Gras Break: February 3,2025-February 9, 2025
Easter Break: March 17,2025- March 25, 2024
Last Day of School: May 22, 2025